New Project: amus-ndnSIM
Blending Adaptive Multimedia Streaming (e.g., MPEG-DASH) with Named-Data Networking (NDN) using the ndnSIM simulation software.

Step 1: Install ndnSIM 2.0
Step 2: Invent a file transfer protocol
Step 3: Write a client that can download files
Step 4: Add multimedia streaming
Step 5: ???
Step 6: Come up with a cooler name
Step 7: Profit

What could go wrong?

Dataset URL:
Toolchain @ Github
BibTeX for citation

Paper Download Link: TBA (March 2015)

Abstract: With video streaming becoming more and more popular, the number of devices that are capable of streaming videos over the Internet is growing. This leads to a heterogeneous device landscape with varying demands. Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) offers an elegant solution to these demands. Smart adaptation logics are able to adjust the clients' streaming quality according to several (local) parameters. Recent research indicated benefits of blending Scalable Video Coding (SVC) with DASH, especially considering Future Internet architectures. However, except for a DASH dataset with a single SVC encoded video, no other datasets are publicly available. The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, a DASH/SVC dataset, containing multiple videos at varying bitrates and spatial resolutions including 1080p, is presented. Second, a toolchain for multiplexing SVC encoded videos is provided, therefore making our results reproducible and allowing researchers to generate their own datasets.

There are several tools on the Internet that rate the quality of a password, though the reliability of those tools is questionable. How can one guarantee that the entered password is not transmitted to a 3rd party and added to a password database? In my master thesis I have analyzed the strength of passwords and here I want to give a short overview of what I consider a good password. ...continue reading

It is recommended to have more than one password, preferably each website / service we are using should have its own unique password. Obviously this is not an easy task to master, especially for websites / services that are only rarely visited. Writeing down the password in an unencrypted text-file is an option, but it is not recommended due to security concerns. Writeing it down on a piece of paper is easy, but one might lose that piece of paper, or worse, somebody else might steal it. ...continue reading